02 Jun 2020
Make Working From Home work for you
Working From Home has become the new way of working for many people at the moment. Like most things, working from home has its advantages & disadvantages - here's how to make the most of it:
1. Make a dedicated workspace
Living & working in the same place can be distracting and stop you from focusing on your work. Try to find a space away from the home comforts that might take your attention away from your work, like the TV, or the fridge - for those of us who like a quick snack!
It helps if you have a room you can dedicate to this purpose, like a study, break-away area or spare bedroom.
Once you’ve found your workspace, try to set it up in a similar way to your office workspace – have your stationary and files close to hand, and get the ergonomics right including the height of your PC/Laptop and chair position.

2. Get into a routine
It can be very easy to blur the lines between work and personal time when working from home, leading to stress & anxiety. Having a set routine can help with this.
Your normal workday routine is a great place to start. Try to get up, have breakfast and start work at the same time you normally would. Take advantage of the time freed up from your usual commute to work on personal goals & development – reading a book, exercising or listening to music, for example.
Finally, make sure you have a clear finishing time when you stop work, stop checking emails and focus on home life for the evening – then get some sleep, remember you’re up at the usual time tomorrow!

3. Set your boundaries
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of working from home is creating boundaries with the other members of your householed – particularly with small children who are curious about what you’re doing all day!
Whilst you can be more flexible, its important for your productivity and mental well-being that you set clear boundaries with your family. Discuss this with them and share your schedule.
Again, having a dedicated home office is a huge advantage in this respect as you can close the door and focus on the task at hand.

4. Take a break
Working from home can give you the impression you need to be available all the time – because where else would you be? But its just as important to take regular breaks at home as it was in the office.
Whether its 30 minutes for lunch or 10 minutes to get some fresh air, be sure to work regular breaks from work into your routine and switch off completely during those times so that you come back refreshed & ready to focus.

5. Stay in touch
Isolation might feel like the new normal just now, but its important to stay connected and get as much human interaction as possible whilst working from home.
The world has never been more connected, so take advantage of video calls to hold meetings, catch up with friends & family, or even just hang out with colleagues while you work

6. Don't be so hard on yourself
Adjusting to home-working is difficult for many reasons and it will take time to master. So don’t beat yourself up if the lines between work & personal life get blurred, or you’re not quite as productive as you hoped. Just keep making small changes to improve, and remember to switch off & relax at the end of the working day.

Here at Robertson, more and more of our customers are choosing one of our many homes because of how suited the layouts are to working, teaching & learning from home. Our homes already feature ideal workspaces, dedicated home offices or break-away areas that are perfect for home-working - without the need to sacrifice bedroom or living space.
Speak to us today about upgrading your working from home experience!