01 Feb 2018
Part Exchange is not a new concept.
Most people think of Aladdin when they think of ‘new lamps for old’ but the story actually started with Rudyard Kipling way back in 1889. So there’s mystery, 'skulduggery' and a random genie or two over the centuries to muddy the waters.
In fact, anyone who hasn’t explored Part Exchange probably brings sufficiently preconceived ideas to tell stories like Scheherazade for a thousand and one Arabian nights…. But enough of the literary and historical references (and yes, we did have to Google some of them. Who can spell Scheherazade without checking? ). In the real world, there are at least 1001 different reasons why someone wants Part Exchange to their home.
Peace of mind
Selling a house is something people don’t do often and it can seem scary. Maybe there’s lack of experience in dealing with estate agents and lawyers, never mind the thought of inviting strangers in to appraise your home. And by the way, they are not all polite (visitors we mean. Professionals usually are or you can sack ‘em).
There’s also the thought that the house might not sell and typically people fall into two camps: those who buy first without a thought to selling their own home afterwards, and those who won’t budge until the ink is dry on a sales contract.
Part Exchange on a new Robertson Home offers a range of compromises where we will take on the responsibility of managing estate agents. We’ll even recommend a local lawyer for you if you don’t already have one. And you have total peace of mind from the outset that you have a guaranteed buyer at a pre-agreed price.
Maybe circumstances have changed: your family is expanding to accommodate either a new or older family member, families are combining, or you just want to move quickly.
There are a range of options available which mean you could conceivably be in a brand new home in just a few weeks. OR, you could take advantage of facilities like 'Easy Move' to take away the hassle and leave you to concentrate on packing up books you never read and china you haven’t used for years. (We all do it)
Everyone has busy lives and we speak to people all the time who tell us that they’ve been hankering after a new home for years but have just never got around to it. They fear it would monopolise their spare time for months.
We’re not going to tell you that any house move is a doddle as inevitably, it means sorting through your possessions and wondering what has outlived its usefulness. (For a few, that extends to partners).
But when you have de-cluttered and moved into a brand new home, freshly decorated and low maintenance, possibly with all new floor coverings and curtains, most people wonder why they didn’t do it years before.
Terms and conditions do apply and generally, we expect your existing home to be in the same general area and valued less than the new one you want to buy. That’s just a commercial necessity. But dependent on location and plot, Part Exchange can also carry significant financial advantage, from estate agency and legal fees paid to, in some cases, free carpets and curtains or stamp duty paid. You also have freedom from a chain and from any thoughts of future bridging.
All you have to do is rub your hands together and ask for information.
Shame we can’t actually offer you a genie as well but we’ll always do our best to be accommodating.
Robertson Homes is holding Part Exchange open days on Saturday and Sunday 3rd and 4th February at a range of locations. We’ll have local estate agents and an IFA on hand so feel free to drop by. All you need to bring are your questions.